Wolf River Theatrical Troupe
New London, WI
We are located at 304 St. John's Place in New London.
We perform live community theater, have guest artists, and offer a Summer's Children's Theater Workshop/Musical. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Troupe at any level, please contact
Margie Brown at 920-982-3062 or 920-810-3185.
For Tickets: Call 920-250-6200
or click button below.
The Wolf River Theatrical Troupe is looking for two women between the ages of 18-50 with strong singing voices. Need to fill two roles in a country musical play, HONKY TONK ANGELS.
Auditions open at 304 St. John's Place, New London between 6-8pm on Monday, March 25.
Come prepared with a country song to sing. Bring CD or piano music if available.
Other arrangements may be made by calling Margie at 920-810-3185
Hope to see you at the auditions!